Save news, events and recipes
You know that feeling when you come across a great recipe and then, a week later, you can’t find it? Don’t let that happen again – you can save all your favourite recipes, news articles and events in one place.

Cost to menu calculator
There’s no more guesswork with our profit calculator. Simply put in the cost of the dish, your desired margin and the VAT rate and our calculator does the hard work for you. Your gross profit and menu price will be revealed!

Menu planner
Put together new menus for any occasion with our handy planner. From your bank of saved recipes, you can create custom menus for a variety of courses. You can have a different menu for every season.

Shopping lists
Don’t waste your time hand-writing shopping lists. Our easy-to-use tool means you can create lists and add items from our product catalogue (look out for this coming soon).
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