3 tbsp butter
3 tsp all-purpose flour
1 cup fish broth
6 tsp fresh lemon juice (unsweetened)
60g white chocolate (not too sweet)
1 tbsp fresh, green pepper corns (optional)
2 tbsp butter
2lb fillet of salmon cut into 120-150g portions
Salt and pepper
- Melt 3 tablespoons butter in a small saucepan over medium heat
Then add the flour and mix well
Add the fish broth, stirring constantly to incorporate and cook the flour
Let the sauce cook on low heat for 15 minutes, stirring regularly
Add lemon juice, white chocolate and green pepper corns (optional)
Add salt to taste
Melt 2 tablespoons butter in a nonstick pan over medium heat
- Cook the pieces of salmon for about 5 minutes per side until it has browned
Add salt and pepper to taste
- Serve the salmon with rice, sauce and cooked asparagus or broccoli