Manchester Tart – Bar & Kitchen

Manchester Tart

Desserts Food British Vegetarian

The Manchester tart is a traditional English baked tart, which consists of a shortcrust pastry shell, spread with raspberry jam, covered with a custard filling and topped with coconut and […]

Pre-prepared shortcrust pastry
Jar of jam
Dessicated coconut
Glacé cherries
  1. Preheat oven to 190C (gas mark 5.)
  2. Roll out the shortcrust pastry and put into a flan tin
  3. Place a circle of greaseproof paper over the bottom of the tart and sprinkle a layer of baking beans on top to prevent it rising
  4. Bake for 20 mins, remove the beans and paper, return for 5 more minutes until crisp and golden
  5. Allow to cool
  6. Prepare the custard to a thick consistency
  7. Dollop jam into the pastry case and spread around evenly
  8. Pour partially cooled custard on top of the jam
  9. Sprinkle dessicated coconut on top of custard
  10. Leave to set in fridge
  11. Garnish with a cherry