New soda from Schweppes for customers who love pink!
Did you know 54% of people who buy pink gin buy it because it’s pink? Pink drinks are big news, particularly with the 18-34 year-old market. They’re the largest consumers of pink drinks.*
So, if your venue is popular with these younger customers, Schweppes Russchian Pink Soda is one to get on the menu. It’s fantastic as a spritz drink with rosé wine and pink grapefruit juice.
The 200ml soda is only 40 calories, appealing to customers looking for a healthier drink as well. Calorie count is often the top reason for customers choosing a spirit and mixer option.
schweppes.eu | coca-cola.co.uk
*Total OOH, MAT Value and Value Growth March 2020 vs PY.(3) Nielsen Total Grocers, MAT and MAT vs. PY w/e 04.04.20