How to best use sweet flavours on your menu – Bar & Kitchen

How to best use sweet flavours on your menu

Four ideas for the addictive and delicious sweet stuff

Since the dawn of time, we’ve been in love with all things sweet. One of life’s big indulgences, it’s got a bad reputation in recent years. It’s not all about processed food and drinks, though – sweetness can come from various sources, some healthy, some not so.

It’s all about balance. Counteract sweetness by adding bitter (dark chocolate is good), spicy (chilli in savoury food) and sour notes (dairy can help here).

Savoury meals can benefit from something sweet too – dried fruit in tagines or sugar in a tomato sauce. There is no end to its talents…

Mango cheesecake


This is the healthiest way to add sweetness to a dish, while bringing bags of flavour. One of the best to pack a real punch is mango – known as the sweetest fruit. You don’t need much – try it in cheesecakes, tarts and ice cream. Add a squeeze of lime to tame the sugar.

Thai curry and rice in bowls


Sugar comes in many forms. The brown sugars (light and dark soft) have caramel notes so work in cakes and cookies. A spoon in Thai dishes complements spicy and sour notes. The rich molasses taste of muscovado makes it perfect in marinades or BBQ sauce.

sweet potato fries and ketchup


Veggies such as squash and sweet potato are a brilliant way of adding sweetness to a dish while also keeping it healthy. Combine with salty or spicy tastes to keep the saccharine content balanced – think paprika sweet potato fries or squash soup with a spoon of curry paste.

Honey in glass and bottle of maple syrup

Natural syrups

A natural companion to pancakes, maple syrup can also be drizzled over baked pears, ice cream and toasted pecans, or try it as a glaze for roasted parsnips.

Salted caramel is everywhere, but have you heard of salted honey? Look up salted honey pie – a specials must-try!

Try these recipes that really show off sweet flavours:

Honey Lime Tuna

Dark Fruit Club cocktail

Lemon and Blueberry Cheesecake Bites

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